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Student-friendly Yozgat Bozok University


            Being the commissure point of East and West, Turkey has important geographical features as it is a part of Asia and Europe.


It is one of the most important countries that provides its students with confidence and stability.


One of the best options for students who find it difficult to choose a university to study in Turkey is Yozgat Bozok University, which has a multicultural life and is student-friendly.




Comprehensive University Education


The university in Turkey consists of the unity of students and academician. For this reason, one of the most important points for candidates who will choose a university in Turkey will be to consider the academic staff. In Bozok University's huge education and teaching staff; It has 290 instructors, 114 associate professors, 250 research assistants, 63 professors, 9 foreign academicians, 241 physicians.

Academics, who have gained a vision with their understanding of quality education and the value they give to their students, accelerated the success of the university established in 2006. Its mission is to open its doors to students from all geographies.

It is an entrepreneurial and innovative university that foresees and implements universal changes in adding value to humanity, is based on quality, produces knowledge and enables the use of the produced knowledge, and manages the processes of change, transformation and development.


Success at International Level


The success and diploma equivalence to be achieved with Bozok University is recognized all over the world. When the research performance of world universities is evaluated, Bozok University has entered the top 500 in the field of engineering. He has achieved success in his academic studies among world universities. The basis of this success is its solid foundations that adopt the vision of success.


Multiple Programs


Bozok University offers its students a wide range of education opportunities with 61 associate degree programs, 51 undergraduate programs, 56 master's and 20 doctoral programs. The university has a campus equipped with green spaces.



Confidence, Economy and Wealth


Diversity means wealth. In addition to Yozgat's cultural richness, being in the Central Anatolia region, touristic places to visit also open doors for students to explore. National Park is one of the firsts of Turkey. Students, who have the advantage of living in a peaceful, safe and economical city, can easily reach all parts of Turkey by using the highway. It is a country where you can get quality education at affordable prices and where education and living expenses are the most affordable compared to Europe and America.


A Friendly Environment


Turkey has a young population. It also welcomes young people in a friendly way and is known for its hospitality. Bozok University brings distant geographies closer by allowing students to get closer with sports facilities, sports teams, student facilities, student clubs. Bozok University, which has more than 21,000 students, has opened its doors to over 1000 foreign students. University provided a friendly environment to her students by bringing geographies closer to each other with various activities.




When you decide to start your academic process at Bozok University, you will open the door to a peaceful, safe and family warm life as if you were in your own country under the roof of Yozgat Bozok University. You will be proud to be a part of a family that has placed itself among world universities with its physical and academic success that meets all the requirements of the 21st century.


You will have a job opportunity with your academic knowledge as a result of the skills you have gained to compete in every aspect and the education you have received. After graduation, it carries out cooperation projects with many companies so that its students are not alone in their career journey.


The fact that foreign students choose a department whose language of instruction is 100% English is an important factor for students, but Bozok University does not leave its students alone who will choose a Turkish department. Regardless of whether the language of instruction is Turkish or English, the Turkish Education Application and Research Center provides education to students so that they can get to know Turkish culture and have Turkish language. After this education, foreign students have Turkish Proficiency Certificate.


Turkey ranks second in the world in terms of schooling rate and access to higher education. Bozok University applies the Bologna Process for foreign students. For this reason, foreign students' diplomas from Bozok University are recognized in all European countries. The course credit system has also been arranged in accordance with the system in Europe. 

In addition, Bozok University has exchange programs within the scope of Erasmus. Turkey is one of the most successful countries in exchange programs. In addition to Erasmus, there are many exchange programs in Turkey such as Mevlana and Farabi.


In addition, it is an indispensable condition at this point that students from various countries can continue their education with appropriate accommodation, social environment-space and sufficient education quality.

You only have to walk to success with the right decision!









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