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Postgraduate Education at Karabuk University

Karabuk University graduate studies are carried out in the Graduate School of Science, Graduate School of Social Sciences and Graduate School of Health Sciences. The opportunities for international students to receive education in open programs at our institutes are facilitated by the management of our University. International students who wish to receive graduate education may apply to graduate programs by using the information on this page.

Admission Dates: till 1 September 2023

Program                                              Fee                                           TAUGHT in ENGLISH

Basic Islamic sciences                          30000 TL                                   30.000 TL

Business                                                 30000 TL                                     40.000 TL

International relations                          30000 TL                                     40.000 TL


English Language and Literature       40000 TL                                        40.000 TL


Computer engineering                        30.000 TL                                        40.000 TL

Economy                                                25.000 TL                                         25.000 TL


Finance and Participation Banking   8186 TL                                       25.000 TL

Public administration                           8186 TL                                      25.000 TL

Other Sections                                     8186 TL                                     30.000 TL


Registration Fee: $ 100

List of Programs Available at the Graduate Schools (Institutes) of Karabuk University

GRADUATE SCHOOL OF SCIENCE     Medium of instruction
Computer Engineering Yes Yes English -Turkish
Electrical-Electronics Engineering Yes Yes English -Turkish
Mechanical Engineering Yes Yes English  -Turkish
Metallurgical and Materials Engineering Yes Yes English -Turkish
Industry Engineering (Joint Program with SU) Yes Yes Turkish
Environmental Engineering Yes No Turkish
Civil Engineering Yes No Turkish
Biomedical Engineering Yes No Turkish
Energy Systems Engineering Yes Yes Turkish
Manufacturing Engineering Yes Yes Turkish
Industrial Design Engineering Yes Yes Turkish
Mechatronics Engineering Yes No Turkish
Architecture Yes Yes Turkish
Forestry Industry Engineering Yes Yes Turkish
Chemistry Yes Yes Turkish
Physics Yes Yes Turkish
Mathematics Yes No Turkish
Waste Management Yes Yes Turkish
Sustainable Planning and Management of Natural Resources Yes No Turkish
Department of Anatomy Yes No Turkish
Department of Midwifery Yes No Turkish
Department of Nursing Science Yes No Turkish
Department of Child Development and Education Yes No Turkish
Department of Public Health Yes No  Turkish
Department of Cardiovascular Surgery Perfusion Yes No Turkish
Department of Cardiovascular Surgery Perfusion (Without Thesis) Yes No Turkish
Department of Medical Biochemistry Yes No Turkish
History Yes Yes Turkish
Business Yes Yes ENGLISH
Geography Yes Yes Turkish
Basic Islamic Sciences Yes Yes Turkish
English Language and Literature Yes Yes ENGLISH
Public Administration Yes No Turkish
Turkish Language and Literature Yes No Turkish
Economics Yes No Turkish
Tourism Management Yes No Turkish
Interdisciplinary International  Yes No Turkish
Political Economy      
Art History Yes No Turkish
Actuarial and Risk Management Yes No Turkish
Educational Sciences Yes No Turkish
Area Studies (Interdisciplinary) Yes No Turkish
Entrepreneurship Yes No Turkish
Banking and Finance Yes No Turkish
Social Work Yes No Turkish
Ethic Values (Interdisciplinary) Yes No Turkish
Business (Joint program with BEU) Yes No Turkish
Public Administration (joint program with SU) Yes No Turkish
Sociology (Joint program with SU) Yes No Turkish
Turkish Language and Literature (Joint program with SU) Yes No Turkish
Economics (Joint program with BEU) Yes No Turkish
Department of International Relations (Joint program with SU) Yes No Turkish
Basic Islamic Sciences (Joint program with SU) Yes No Turkish
Business Administration (Online Education) Yes ENGLISH
Public administration (Online Education) Yes Turkish
Entrepreneurship (Online Education) Yes Turkish
Health Facilities Management (Online Education) Yes Turkish


Terms of Application

International candidate students who graduated from undergraduate or postgraduate programs of universities and want to be educated at the postgraduate programs could complete their application processes by filling the online Institute Application Form or by handing in the application form to the Directorate of the Institutes on condition that they provide the documents stated below:
1. The undergraduate or postgraduate certificate of graduation
2. Certificate of language proficiency.


Applications for graduate education are open at any time of the of year. In case of the acceptance by the applied Department, a temporary registration certificate is given to the student. Students may apply for the visa with this certificate. If the tuition fee is paid and the course registration is done before the beginning of the upcoming first semester, the final registration process is carried out.
The candidates who will apply for graduate education can contact the Head of the Department or any faculty member, whom they want to work with, before they can apply.

Application Documents

1. Copy of Diploma
2. Copy of Transcript
3. Copy of Passport or ID
4. Fotograph
5. Certificate of Recognition from the Higher Education Council of Turkey (YOK) for the recognition of the institutions which the student graduated.

Evaluation and Student Acceptance

• Quota application is not applied on the institutes under the auspices of Karabuk University in terms of student admissions, the quotas are determined according the view of the Head of the Department and with the Institute Directorate’s decision.
• Applications are open throughout the year. However, final registration takes places in the registration period stated in the academic calendar every semester.
• The needed files of those who apply for the postgraduate programs are requested after the Institute Directorate’s positive decision for the admission after the view of the Head of the Department is taken.
• The candidates, who apply for being a postgraduate student by providing evidence which shows that he/she is given scholarship by The Republic of Turkey or their own government, are accepted to postgraduate programs as non-quota students within the agreed quota of the concerning Department for those candidates and by the decision of Institute Directorate’s decision.
• The candidates, who apply for having postgraduate education depending on the bilateral agreements of which Karabuk University is a side, are accepted as non-quota students by the view of the Head of the concerning Department, the decision of Institute Directorate and by the approval of University Senate.
• On occasions that are not exempted by bilateral agreements, candidates are required to pay the fee determined by the University Administrative Committee depending on the Council of Ministers’
• Successful students who apply for the transfer are accepted with the proposal of the Institute Department and with the Board decision of the Institute.

Announcement of the Results and Final Registration

• The results of the applications are announced via the concerning Institution’s webpage.
• Registrations are made by the concerning Institution Student Affairs on the date announced via the concerning Institution’s webpage
• The students who have the right for final registration are required to provide the documents below:

1. A certified copy of the diploma or graduation certificate
2. A certified copy of the transcript
3. The application form and certified copies of the documents declared in the application form
4. A certified copy of the student visa taken from Foreign Representative Office
5. A certified copy of the passport
6. A declaration of residence for education
7. 3 photographs (taken in the last 6 months)
8. A document which shows the education fee has been paid
9. For the students who come via the state scholarship, an official document taken from concerning state institutions or from concerning countries’ embassies stating that their education fee is to be paid (For such students, item h is not required)





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