Studying a Business degree abroad: A guide for future entrepreneurs | Times  Higher Education (THE)

If you have a goal of making a career in the business world, Turkey is an inevitable country for you. It offers the opportunity to work with dozens of academically respected academics at universities such as Karabük, Kastamonu and Bilecik University in undergraduate and graduate education. As a result of the rapid change in the business world and globalization today, we will talk about the importance of studying business and being a part of a world full of opportunities.

Business Administration is among the most popular fields of study in universities around the world and in Turkey. Business graduates are in high demand worldwide, business touches every aspect of the modern world. The careers of the students who graduate from the department of business are diverse in all aspects, but the salaries are generally high. In the competitive world, a business degree is truly attractive for students as a combination of theoretical and practical training they have received throughout their academic life at good universities. Business graduates have the opportunity to work in numerous different sectors. They have knowledge in accounting and finance departments. Graduates of Kastamonu University, Karabük University and Bilecik University, which are among the few universities in Turkey, receive the title of "manager". Students graduating from these universities; They assume the roles of consultant, manager, analyst. Not only can they progress in these roles, but also careers in marketing, advertising, human resources and business collaboration, so business degree students benefit from the diversity of their careers. Students who will continue to develop in their careers after graduation can develop their careers or graduate from world universities. They can easily take a role and gain experience in small, medium or large enterprises. After gaining experience, they can set up their own business and climb the career ladder with successful steps. As we mentioned before, business graduate students have a high earning potential. Interesting opportunities and high salaries await students who graduate from reputable universities such as Bilecik University, Karabuk University or Kastamonu University.

3 Reasons to Study Business
At the end of 4 years, your communication skills will improve as well as excellent math skills. You can earn extra credit points by making presentations. Marketing is part of the business. During your undergraduate life, you get to know your target audience and you get the opportunity to get to know the target groups. Karabük, Bilecik and Kütahya Universities ask their students to do internships. During the internship, you will learn about the labor market and have the opportunity to expand your business contacts after graduation. Türkiye is one of the countries that provides the best finance to support employment. It attracts businesses from all over the world with its structure that combines various cultures where you will have many opportunities. You can shape your academic life with contemporary learning experiences and training provided by experts as a result of the few academics combining the business department with the modern business environment. From the administration to the point of view that enables you to be successful in companies, academics think about everything for you and convey the information that will make you successful by making a difference in every subject for 4 years.
As we come to the end of our article, we think that the answer to the question "why should I study business", which is in the minds of many students, has been shaped. In addition, we get the answer to the question of why so many students go to Turkey for their education. Turkey is the most preferred country because it is a student-friendly country in every aspect from finance to your trust. More importantly, the reward of continuing your undergraduate life at the universities of Bilecik, Kastamonu, Kütahya, which is proof of quality: to have the chance to receive education with the most equipped minds of the science, technology and business world.


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