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Department of Statistics and Computer Science

Collecting and processing information is very important in today's age. In order to carry out these operations, it is necessary to know the methods of statistics and computer science. Due to the progress of methods in statistics science with computer science, the Department of Statistics and Computer Science, which is a science field, was established.


Department of Statistics and Computer Science is located in the Faculty of Arts and Sciences. It is found in only four universities in Turkey, so it is one of the most valuable departments. Accurate, timely, reliable and consistent statistical data all over the world are extremely important for policy and strategy development. The correct application of information, data collection, use of computer science, and the formation of a whole by connecting information are done by treater people in statistics and computer science. The Department of Statistics and Computer Science  is one of the fastest growing departments. It has a wide range of theoretical and practical curriculum at the undergraduate level. In this way, students improve equipped for four years by applying the course content and practice together. Thanks to this approach, students start their careers as respected graduates who are close to the industry with both their knowledge and applications.


Bilecik Şeyh Edebali University is one of the four universities in Turkey. The academic staff in the Department of Statistics and Computer Science consists of academics who aim to raise successful and visionary students who are devoted to their students. Being in 4 universities increases the need and the value of the department. With the vision that your academics add to you when you graduate from this department; You will have characteristic thinking ability, practicality in reasoning and problem solving, and the ability to make connections between different sciences.


The department has made a great contribution to research in statistics and computer sciences in recent years, it provides education at the undergraduate level, so the education period is 4 years. Students who have the ability to do advanced data analysis by combining the two fields of statistics and computer; They can apply their acquired skills to various fields by using a wide range of knowledge in fields such as statistical, analysis, probability, computer science. Considering that there is no area where computers are not used in today's world, students have a very high chance of finding a job. Students who graduate from this department can work in government institutions that provide statistical personnel, software companies, finance departments of companies, banks, marketing and advertising sector, insurance sector, and they can also do master's and doctorate in academic staff. It is the premier division for statistical research with the highest ranking in the USA. In this way, career doors are open for you abroad as well. Students also make significant contributions to fields such as computational statistics, machinery, and cybersecurity. They can be involved in research societies working in fields such as art, biology, chemistry. Computing is needed for analysis in all fields, this need is met by the statistics and computer science department.


Why Bilecik Şeyh Edebali University Department of Statistics and Computer?

Sheikh Edebali University was established in 2007. With the announcement of their success in a short time, the university hosts over 2000 international students from 26 countries for their academic careers. With the Erasmus and Mevlana student exchange program, it has opened its doors to students coming from abroad, and the shining star in education opportunities is the university. With the statistics and computer science department of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, it provides students who will adapt to the ever-evolving technology by using the basic principles of computers and mathematics in many fields of specialization, by developing theory and software apart from existing methods.

In addition to the value of the statistics and computer science department in the country and in the world, it is important for students in the city where they study. Bilecik city is a quiet, peaceful, student city with wide social opportunities and easy access to basic needs. It offers students partial study opportunities and the opportunity to work within the university. It contributes to the socialization of foreign students with the activities organized. The campus is located on the Bilecik-Istanbul highway and students do not experience transportation problems. One of the biggest advantages of studying in Bilecik is its proximity to other cities and the presence of high-speed trains in the direction of Ankara, Istanbul, Eskişehir and Konya. With this opportunity, students can organize frequent trips to Istanbul, which is the heart of touristic places. It takes 2 hours 6 minutes between Bilecik and Ankara, 1 hour 57 minutes between Bilecik and Istanbul, 45 minutes between Bilecik and Eskişehir, and 2 hours and 20 minutes between Bilecik and Konya.


What is the Difference Between Computer Science and Software Engineering?

Computer science is a theoretical science, it forms the basis of computer systems. Software engineers apply computer science theories to solving software problems. Computer science is an indispensable part, as the solution cannot be applied without foundation and theory. In addition, statistics and computer science is a mathematics-based department, especially the aim is to raise students' mathematics to the next level. Basic courses in Statistics and Computer Science; algorithm design, basic information technologies, introduction to statistics, linear algebra, introduction to probability, programming, advanced analysis, logical design, data structures, operating systems, capital market analysis, statistical calculation, database management, regression analysis, computer organization, object oriented programming , introduction to artificial intelligence, econometrics courses.

If you want to start your career in a peaceful and student-friendly city with the door opening to the world, you should say hello to Bilecik Şeyh Edebali University Statistics and Computer Sciences!

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