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Residence Permit

International Students can get RESIDENCY APPOINTMENT very easily by ONLINE APPLICATION   within 30 days when they entered to Turkey. The Online Residence Application can sometime freze  due to the intensity,When the Online Application system freezes, you can wait araound half an hour and  continue the process. For the First time Appplication Click here



  • Preregistration form must be filled in for the application.
  • You must fill in the fields with asteriks. You cannot complete your application unless you fill in these fields.
  • You must fill in all necessary fields carefully, completely, accurately, properly according to the instructions in order that your applications for residence permit will be evaluated.
  • If you choose "mobile phone" as a contact preference and complete the pre-registration process, a verification code will be sent to your phone. In order to continue your residence permit application process, you must enter the verification code in "verification code" field.

2- All fields marked with red are mandatory.



3-  Your registration has been completed successfully, you can continue your process through information sent to your e-mail.


4-  Check your E-mail, in order to continue with your application, please enter the verification code sent to you completely.

 Verification for e-Residence Application

5-  In order to continue your application,please completely enter the verification code which has been sent to you by email


6- Please select the type of your residence permit

Students need to select the option of "STUDENT RESIDENCE PERMIT APPLICATION" 




  • You must fill in all necessary fields carefully, completely, accurately, properly according to the instructions in order that your applications for residence permit will be evaluated.
  • Explanations concerning the fields take place in the following sections, e.g. "Nationality ID No: It is the ID number that is issued on behalf of you by your country of origin. Nationality at Birth: It is the nationality at your birth."
  • The data on your passport, ID card or student certificate are required in order to fill in some fields and to install to the system, your digital photo is also required. Therefore, keep them available during the application.
  • "You must enter the first 3 letters of the value which you want to search for the fields where you see the statement of "Enter the value that you want to search." e.g. When you enter "Afg..", the first 3 letters of Afghanistan, to search the value of "Afghanistan" in "Nationality" field, the parameters will be listed.
  • You must fill in the red fields (name, surname etc.) You can not complete your application without filling in these fields.
  • If there are not seperate fields for name and surname in the passport, please fill in the related fields according to the document (in which there are seperate fields for name and surname) which you will obtain from your own consulate and which shows the clear identity information.
  • Your photo which will be in your residence permit document must be taken within the last 6 months, and its background color must be white and it must be biometric. Please do not upload photos into system that are family photos, selfies, and in which it is inconvenient to recognize you and which are not updated or black-and-white, otherwise residence permit document shall not be issued!
  • All fields marked with red are mandatory.

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+90 850 800 14 26
